What is Integrated Engineering?
The University of British Columbia’s innovative Integrated Engineering Program (IGEN) offers a multidisciplinary undergraduate engineering education. Students take courses in core subjects and elective courses in at least two of the traditional engineering disciplines offered at UBC.
IGEN provides design and project management experience by means of design project courses taken in each year of the program. Technical skills, communication skills, and the ability to work with others to complete challenging projects are emphasized in these courses.
Browse through the pages on this website to understand more about what is taught in this program, who teaches it, and what the students do before and after they graduate.
Prospective Students
Integrated Engineering (IGEN) is a multidisciplinary engineering program that places a strong focus on team-based engineering design by means of three full-year project courses. In addition to developing a broad foundation in engineering, the student develops primary and secondary knowledge in specific engineering disciplines via 18 credits of technical electives in the third and fourth years.
Student Projects
Projects are an integral part of Integrated Engineering. Students must complete a two-term design course held in each year of the program. They are asked to develop a project, do whatever design is necessary and build whatever they propose to build. In addition, these courses teach project management, communication skills and most importantly, how to work in groups.