Course Listing


Second year

Course NameCredits
IGEN 201 Integrated Technical Communication3
APSC 278 Engineering Materials3
APSC 279 Engineering Materials Laboratory1
CHBE 241 Material and Energy Balances3
CHBE 244 Chemical and Biological Engineering Thermodynamics I3
CIVL 215 Fluid Mechanics I4
CPEN 312 Digital Systems and Microcomputers3
ELEC 204 Linear Circuits4
ELEC 205 Electronics Laboratory1
IGEN 230 Introduction to Engineering Design6
MATH 253 Multivariable Calculus3
MATH 255 Ordinary Differential Equations3
MECH 260 Introduction to Mechanics of Materials3
Total Credits40

Third year

Course NameCredits
CHBE 344 Introduction to Unit Operations3
ELEC 344 Applied Electronics and Electromechanics3
IGEN 330 Intermediate Engineering Design6
IGEN 340 *3  / COMM 280 (IGEN section)*3 Entrepreneurship3
MECH 360 Mechanics of Materials3
MECH 375 Heat Transfer3
MTRL 280 Materials in Design3
STAT 251 Elementary Statistics3
One of CHBE 356, ELEC 341 (Process Dynamics and Control) or (Systems and Control)3
Technical electives16
Complementary Studies electives23
Total Credits39

Fourth year

Course NameCredits
APSC 450 Professional Engineering Practice2
CIVL 305 Introduction to Environmental Engineering Applications3
IGEN 430 Advanced Engineering Design Projects6
One of MINE 455 or MINE 465 Mine Water Management or Materials Handling3
MTRL 340 Manufacturing in Materials Engineering3
One of CHBE 459, CIVL 403, ELEC 481, MECH 431, MINE 396, MTRL 455Engineering Economics3
Technical electives112
Complementary Studies electives23
Total Credits35


  1. Of the 18 credits of technical electives, 9 credits must be in one engineering discipline and 6 in another discipline. Several elective streams are possible. Consult the IGEN Student Advisor for assistance.
  2. See Complementary Studies Courses.
  3. *Note describing the upcoming change from IGEN 340 to COMM 280 section 204, starting Fall 2019. IGEN 340 to COMM 280 FAQ – final